Troubleshooting Loader Errors
Zach Hilman edited this page 2018-09-09 22:19:46 -04:00

WIP, please ignore

To use this list, press Ctrl-F (or Cmd-F on Mac) and then type in the error code from yuzu. This should look similar to XXXX-XXXX where the Xs represent numbers and letters.

Error Code Description
0008-0000 Success
0008-0001 ErrorAlreadyLoaded
This is an internal error and should be reported to the devs immediately.
0008-0002 ErrorNotImplemented
0008-0003 ErrorNotInitialized
0008-0004 ErrorBadNPDMHeader
0008-0005 ErrorBadACIDHeader
0008-0006 ErrorBadACIHeader
0008-0007 ErrorBadFileAccessControl
0008-0008 ErrorBadFileAccessHeader
0008-0009 ErrorBadPFSHeader
0008-000A ErrorIncorrectPFSFileSize
0008-000B ErrorMissingHeaderKey
To read any encrypted file, you need the NCA header key. This should go in your prod.keys under header_key
0008-000C ErrorIncorrectHeaderKey
0008-000D ErrorNCA2
The NCA you are attempting to load is using an older format that is not currently supported. If you would like support to be added, consider filing an issue.
0008-000E ErrorNCA0
The NCA you are attempting to load is using an older format that is not currently supported. If you would like support to be added, consider filing an issue.
0008-000F ErrorMissingTitlekey
0008-0010 ErrorMissingTitlekek
0008-0001 ErrorInvalidRightsID
0008-0000 ErrorMissingKeyAreaKey
0008-0000 ErrorIncorrectKeyAreaKey
0008-0000 ErrorIncorrectTitlekeyOrTitlekek
0008-0000 ErrorXCIMissingProgramNCA
0008-0000 ErrorNCANotProgram
0008-0000 ErrorNoExeFS
0008-0000 ErrorBadXCIHeader
0008-0000 ErrorXCIMissingPartition
0008-0000 ErrorNullFile
0008-0000 ErrorMissingNPDM
0008-0000 Error32BitISA
The game you are trying to run uses the 32-bit ARM architecture, which is not currently supported by yuzu.
0008-0000 ErrorNoRomFS
0008-0000 ErrorIncorrectELFFileSize
0008-0000 ErrorLoadingNRO
0008-0000 ErrorNoIcon
0008-0000 ErrorNoControl
0008-0000 ErrorBadNAXHeader
0008-0000 ErrorIncorrectNAXFileSize
0008-0000 ErrorNAXKeyHMACFailed
0008-0000 ErrorNAXValidationHMACFailed
0008-0000 ErrorNAXKeyDerivationFailed
0008-0000 ErrorNAXInconvertibleToNCA
0008-0000 ErrorBadNAXFilePath
0008-0000 ErrorMissingSDSeed
0008-0000 ErrorMissingSDKEKSource
0008-0000 ErrorMissingAESKEKGenerationSource
0008-0000 ErrorMissingAESKeyGenerationSource
0008-0000 ErrorMissingSDSaveKeySource
0008-0000 ErrorMissingSDNCAKeySource
0008-0000 ErrorNSPMissingProgramNCA
0008-0000 ErrorBadBKTRHeader
0008-0000 ErrorBKTRSubsectionNotAfterRelocation
0008-0000 ErrorBKTRSubsectionNotAtEnd
0008-0000 ErrorBadRelocationBlock
0008-0000 ErrorBadSubsectionBlock
0008-0000 ErrorBadRelocationBuckets
0008-0000 ErrorBadSubsectionBuckets
0008-0000 ErrorMissingBKTRBaseRomFS