-`EXAM(x):a,(y),(z),m` : (With (x) EXAM number between `]1, 7]`(1), (y) and (z) respectively red and gold pass criterias) Accuracy exam type, in percent.
-`BOXCOLOR` : (Hex) Color filter to apply on the box (Ensou song select screen).
-`BGCOLOR` : (Hex) Color filter to apply on the background (Ensou song select screen).
-`BACKCOLOR` : (Hex) Color of the text outline (Ensou song select screen).
-`FRONTCOLOR` : (Hex) Text color (Ensou song select screen).
-`BGTYPE` : (Int) Texture to use for the background (`3_SongSelect\Genre_Background`, Ensou song select screen, Default : Genre id or 0).
-`BOXTYPE` : (Int) Texture to use for the boxes (`3_SongSelect\Bar_Genre` and `3_SongSelect\Difficulty_Select\Difficulty_Back`, Ensou song select screen, Default : Genre id or 0).
-`BOXCHARA` : (Int) Texture to use for the boxes' characters (`3_SongSelect\Box_Chara`, Ensou song select screen, Default : Genre id or 0).