mirror of synced 2025-02-21 04:47:15 +01:00

Implement base math for the easings, OUTIN is missing for the moment, alter displayed BPM depending on the SongSpeed variable

This commit is contained in:
0auBSQ 2023-05-10 01:54:15 +09:00
parent f81afdd89d
commit 3b7dfe07c2
4 changed files with 293 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web.Security;
namespace TJAPlayer3
internal class HEasingMethods
public enum EEaseType
IN = 0,
public enum EEaseFunction
private static readonly Dictionary<EEaseFunction, Func<EEaseType, double, double>> _easeMethods = new Dictionary<EEaseFunction, Func<EEaseType, double, double>>()
[EEaseFunction.LINEAR] = _easeLinear,
[EEaseFunction.SINE] = _easeSine,
[EEaseFunction.QUAD] = _easeQuad,
[EEaseFunction.CUBIC] = _easeCubic,
[EEaseFunction.QUART] = _easeQuart,
[EEaseFunction.QUINT] = _easeQuint,
[EEaseFunction.EXPO] = _easeExpo,
[EEaseFunction.CIRC] = _easeCirc,
[EEaseFunction.ELASTIC] = _easeElastic,
[EEaseFunction.BACK] = _easeBack,
[EEaseFunction.BOUNCE] = _easeBounce,
private static double _easeLinear(EEaseType type, double x)
return x;
private static double _easeSine(EEaseType type, double x)
switch (type) {
case EEaseType.IN:
return 1 - Math.Cos((x * Math.PI) / 2.0);
case EEaseType.OUT:
return Math.Sin((x * Math.PI) / 2.0);
case EEaseType.INOUT:
return -(Math.Cos(x * Math.PI) - 1) / 2.0;
case EEaseType.OUTIN:
return x;
private static double _easeQuad(EEaseType type, double x)
switch (type)
case EEaseType.IN:
return x * x;
case EEaseType.OUT:
return 1 - (1 - x) * (1 - x);
case EEaseType.INOUT:
return x < 0.5 ? 2 * x * x : 1 - Math.Pow(-2 * x + 2, 2) / 2.0;
case EEaseType.OUTIN:
return x;
private static double _easeCubic(EEaseType type, double x)
switch (type)
case EEaseType.IN:
return x * x * x;
case EEaseType.OUT:
return 1 - Math.Pow(1 - x, 3);
case EEaseType.INOUT:
return x < 0.5 ? 4 * x * x * x : 1 - Math.Pow(-2 * x + 2, 3) / 2.0;
case EEaseType.OUTIN:
return x;
private static double _easeQuart(EEaseType type, double x)
switch (type)
case EEaseType.IN:
return x * x * x * x;
case EEaseType.OUT:
return 1 - Math.Pow(1 - x, 4);
case EEaseType.INOUT:
return x < 0.5 ? 8 * x * x * x * x : 1 - Math.Pow(-2 * x + 2, 4) / 2.0;
case EEaseType.OUTIN:
return x;
private static double _easeQuint(EEaseType type, double x)
switch (type)
case EEaseType.IN:
return x * x * x * x * x;
case EEaseType.OUT:
return 1 - Math.Pow(1 - x, 5);
case EEaseType.INOUT:
return x < 0.5 ? 16 * x * x * x * x * x : 1 - Math.Pow(-2 * x + 2, 5) / 2.0;
case EEaseType.OUTIN:
return x;
private static double _easeExpo(EEaseType type, double x)
switch (type)
case EEaseType.IN:
return x == 0 ? 0 : Math.Pow(2, 10 * x - 10);
case EEaseType.OUT:
return x == 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.Pow(2, -10 * x);
case EEaseType.INOUT:
return x == 0
? 0
: x == 1
? 1
: x < 0.5
? Math.Pow(2, 20 * x - 10) / 2
: (2 - Math.Pow(2, -20 * x + 10)) / 2; ;
case EEaseType.OUTIN:
return x;
private static double _easeCirc(EEaseType type, double x)
switch (type)
case EEaseType.IN:
return 1 - Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(x, 2));
case EEaseType.OUT:
return Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(x - 1, 2));
case EEaseType.INOUT:
return x < 0.5
? (1 - Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(2 * x, 2))) / 2
: (Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(-2 * x + 2, 2)) + 1) / 2;
case EEaseType.OUTIN:
return x;
private static double _easeBack(EEaseType type, double x)
const double c1 = 1.70158;
const double c2 = c1 * 1.525;
const double c3 = c1 + 1;
switch (type)
case EEaseType.IN:
return c3 * x * x * x - c1 * x * x;
case EEaseType.OUT:
return 1 + c3 * Math.Pow(x - 1, 3) + c1 * Math.Pow(x - 1, 2);
case EEaseType.INOUT:
return x < 0.5
? (Math.Pow(2 * x, 2) * ((c2 + 1) * 2 * x - c2)) / 2
: (Math.Pow(2 * x - 2, 2) * ((c2 + 1) * (x * 2 - 2) + c2) + 2) / 2;
case EEaseType.OUTIN:
return x;
private static double _easeElastic(EEaseType type, double x)
const double c4 = (2 * Math.PI) / 3;
const double c5 = (2 * Math.PI) / 4.5;
switch (type)
case EEaseType.IN:
return x == 0
? 0
: x == 1
? 1
: -Math.Pow(2, 10 * x - 10) * Math.Sin((x * 10 - 10.75) * c4);
case EEaseType.OUT:
return x == 0
? 0
: x == 1
? 1
: Math.Pow(2, -10 * x) * Math.Sin((x * 10 - 0.75) * c4) + 1;
case EEaseType.INOUT:
return x == 0
? 0
: x == 1
? 1
: x < 0.5
? -(Math.Pow(2, 20 * x - 10) * Math.Sin((20 * x - 11.125) * c5)) / 2
: (Math.Pow(2, -20 * x + 10) * Math.Sin((20 * x - 11.125) * c5)) / 2 + 1;
case EEaseType.OUTIN:
return x;
private static double _easeOutBounce(double x)
const double n1 = 7.5625;
const double d1 = 2.75;
if (x < 1 / d1)
return n1 * x * x;
else if (x < 2 / d1)
return n1 * (x -= 1.5 / d1) * x + 0.75;
else if (x < 2.5 / d1)
return n1 * (x -= 2.25 / d1) * x + 0.9375;
return n1 * (x -= 2.625 / d1) * x + 0.984375;
private static double _easeBounce(EEaseType type, double x)
switch (type)
case EEaseType.IN:
return 1 - _easeOutBounce(1 - x);
case EEaseType.OUT:
return _easeOutBounce(x);
case EEaseType.INOUT:
return x < 0.5
? (1 - _easeOutBounce(1 - 2 * x)) / 2
: (1 + _easeOutBounce(2 * x - 1)) / 2;
case EEaseType.OUTIN:
return x;
public static double tCalculateEaseNorm(EEaseType type, EEaseFunction function, double ratio)
return _easeMethods[function](type, ratio);
public static double tCalculateEase(EEaseType type, EEaseFunction function, double timeStart, double timeEnd, double timeCurrent, double valueStart, double valueEnd)
if (timeStart == timeEnd) return valueEnd;
double ratio = (timeCurrent - timeStart) / (timeEnd - timeStart);
double ratio_eased = _easeMethods[function](type, ratio);
return valueStart + ratio_eased * (valueEnd - valueStart);

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@ -109,8 +109,10 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
if (long再生位置 == -1)
this.long再生開始時のシステム時刻 = CSound管理.rc演奏用タイマ.nシステム時刻ms;
this.long再生位置 = cスコア..nデモBGMオフセット;
this.long再生位置 = cスコア..nデモBGMオフセット;
@ -170,7 +172,8 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
strPreviewFilename = cスコア.. + cスコア..strBGMファイル名;
this.sound = TJAPlayer3.Sound管理.tサウンドを生成する( strPreviewFilename, ESoundGroup.SongPreview );
if (this.sound == null) return;
if (this.sound == null) return;
//this.sound.db再生速度 = ((double)TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.n演奏速度) / 20.0;
// 2018-08-27 twopointzero - DO attempt to load (or queue scanning) loudness metadata here.
// Initialization, song enumeration, and/or interactions may have
@ -189,7 +192,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
this.long再生開始時のシステム時刻 = CSound管理.rc演奏用タイマ.nシステム時刻ms;
this.long再生位置 = cスコア..nデモBGMオフセット;
this.sound.t再生位置を変更する( cスコア..nデモBGMオフセット );
this.long再生位置 = CSound管理.rc演奏用タイマ.nシステム時刻ms - this.long再生開始時のシステム時刻;
//if( long再生位置 == this.sound.n総演奏時間ms - 10 )
@ -198,13 +201,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
this.str現在のファイル名 = strPreviewFilename;
Trace.TraceInformation( "プレビューサウンドを生成しました。({0})", strPreviewFilename );
#region[ DTXMania() ]
//this.sound = CDTXMania.Sound管理.tサウンドを生成する( strPreviewFilename );
//this.sound.t再生を開始する( true );
//this.str現在のファイル名 = strPreviewFilename;
//Trace.TraceInformation( "プレビューサウンドを生成しました。({0})", strPreviewFilename );
catch (Exception e)

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@ -3122,18 +3122,25 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
private TitleTextureKey ttkGenerateBPMTexture(C曲リストード node, Color forecolor, Color backcolor)
var _score = node.arスコア[tFetchDifficulty(node)].;
var _speed = ((double)TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.n演奏速度) / 20.0;
double[] bpms = new double[3] {
_score.BaseBpm * _speed,
_score.MinBpm * _speed,
_score.MaxBpm * _speed
string bpm_str = "BPM: " + bpms[0].ToString();
if (bpms[1] != bpms[0] || bpms[2] != bpms[0])
bpm_str += " (" + bpms[1].ToString() + "-" + bpms[2].ToString() + ")";
return new TitleTextureKey(bpm_str, pfBPM, forecolor, backcolor, TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_BPM_Text_MaxSize);
var _color = forecolor;
if (_speed > 1)
_color = Color.Red;
else if (_speed < 1)
_color = Color.LightBlue;
return new TitleTextureKey(bpm_str, pfBPM, _color, backcolor, TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_BPM_Text_MaxSize);
public CTexture ResolveTitleTexture(TitleTextureKey titleTextureKey)

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@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
<Compile Include="Databases\DBUnlockables.cs" />
<Compile Include="Databases\Databases.cs" />
<Compile Include="Databases\DBCharacter.cs" />
<Compile Include="Helpers\HEasingMethods.cs" />
<Compile Include="Helpers\HPrivateFastFont.cs" />
<Compile Include="I18N\CLang_es.cs" />
<Compile Include="I18N\CLang_fr.cs" />