@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace SampleFramework
public static GL Gl { get; private set; }
public static Silk.NET.Core.Contexts.IGLContext Context { get; private set; }
internal static List<Action> AsyncActions = new();
public static List<Action> AsyncActions { get; private set; } = new();
private string strIconFileName;
@ -275,6 +275,11 @@ namespace FDK
public float fZRotation
get => fZ軸中心回転;
set { fZ軸中心回転 = value; }
public int Opacity
@ -512,6 +517,13 @@ namespace FDK
throw new CTextureCreateFailedException(string.Format("テクスチャの生成に失敗しました。\n"));
public void tSetScale(float x, float y)
vcScaleRatio.X = x;
vcScaleRatio.Y = y;
// メソッド
// 2016.11.10 kairera0467 拡張
@ -687,6 +699,18 @@ namespace FDK
public void t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(int x, int y)
this.t2D描画(x - (this.rc全画像.Width / 2 * this.vcScaleRatio.X), y - (this.rc全画像.Height / 2 * this.vcScaleRatio.Y), 1f, this.rc全画像);
public void t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(int x, int y, Rectangle rc)
this.t2D描画(x - (rc.Width / 2 * this.vcScaleRatio.X), y - (rc.Height / 2 * this.vcScaleRatio.Y), 1f, rc);
public void t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(int x, int y, RectangleF rc)
this.t2D描画(x - (rc.Width / 2 * this.vcScaleRatio.X), y - (rc.Height / 2 * this.vcScaleRatio.Y), 1f, rc);
public enum RefPnt
@ -701,6 +725,19 @@ namespace FDK
public void t2D_DisplayImage(int x, int y)
this.t2D描画(x, y, 1f, this.rc全画像);
public void t2D_DisplayImage(int x, int y, Rectangle rc画像内の描画領域)
this.t2D描画(x, y, 1f, rc画像内の描画領域);
public void t2D_DisplayImage(int x, int y, RectangleF rc)
this.t2D描画(x, y, 1f, rc);
/// <summary>
/// テクスチャを 2D 画像と見なして描画する。
/// </summary>
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
import ('System.Drawing')
local dan_types = { "Clear", "FC", "AP" }
local config = nil
local config_font_name_normal_size = nil
local config_font_name_normal_maxsize = nil
local config_font_name_withtitle_size = nil
local config_font_name_withtitle_maxsize = nil
local config_text_name_full_offset_x = nil
local config_text_name_full_offset_y = nil
local config_font_title_size = nil
local config_font_title_maxsize = nil
local config_font_dan_size = nil
local config_font_dan_maxsize = nil
local config_text_title_offset_x = nil
local config_text_title_offset_y = nil
local config_text_dan_offset_x = nil
local config_text_dan_offset_y = nil
local config_title_plate_offset_x = nil
local config_title_plate_offset_y = nil
local config_titletypes = { "0", "1" }
local config_titleplate_effects = { }
local nameplate_count = 32
local base = nil
local dan_gradation = { }
local players = { }
local players_blue = nil
local titles = { }
local title_plates = { { } }
local title_plate_star_big = { }
local title_plate_star_small = { }
local slash = nil
local font_name_normal_size = nil
local font_name_withtitle = nil
local font_title = nil
local font_dan = nil
local player_data = { nil, nil, nil, nil, nil }
local name_titlekey = { nil, nil, nil, nil, nil }
local title_titlekey = { nil, nil, nil, nil, nil }
local dan_titlekey = { nil, nil, nil, nil, nil }
local notitle = { false, false, false, false, false }
local nodan = { false, false, false, false, false }
local titleplate_counter = 0
local namePlateEffect_counter = 0
function implDrawStar(scale, x, y, star_small)
star_small:tSetScale(scale, scale)
star_small:t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(x, y)
function implDrawStarFlash(x, y, titleTexIndex)
star_small = title_plate_star_small[titleTexIndex]
resolutionScaleX = 1920.0 / 1280.0;
resolutionScaleY = 1080.0 / 720.0;
if namePlateEffect_counter <= 10 then
implDrawStar(1.0 - (namePlateEffect_counter / 10 * 1.0), x + (63 * resolutionScaleX), y + (25 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 3 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 10 then
implDrawStar(1.0 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 3) / 7 * 1.0), x + (38 * resolutionScaleX), y + (7 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 6 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 10 then
implDrawStar(1.0 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 6) / 4 * 1.0), x + (51 * resolutionScaleX), y + (5 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 8 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 10 then
implDrawStar(0.3 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 8) / 2 * 0.3), x + (110 * resolutionScaleX), y + (25 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 11 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 13 then
implDrawStar(1.0 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 11) / 2 * 1.0), x + (38 * resolutionScaleX), y + (7 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 11 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 15 then
implDrawStar(1.0, x + (51 * resolutionScaleX), y + 5, star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 11 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 17 then
implDrawStar(1.0 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 11) / 7 * 1.0), x + (110 * resolutionScaleX), y + (25 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 16 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 20 then
implDrawStar(0.2 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 16) / 4 * 0.2), x + (63 * resolutionScaleX), y + (25 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 17 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 20 then
implDrawStar(1.0 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 17) / 3 * 1.0), x + (99 * resolutionScaleX), y + (1 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 20 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 24 then
implDrawStar(0.4, x + (63 * resolutionScaleX), y + 25, star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 20 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 25 then
implDrawStar(1.0, x + (99 * resolutionScaleX), y + 1, star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 20 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 30 then
implDrawStar(0.5 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 20) / 10 * 0.5), x + (152 * resolutionScaleX), y + (7 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 31 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 37 then
implDrawStar(0.5 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 31) / 6 * 0.5), x + (176 * resolutionScaleX), y + (8 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
implDrawStar(1.0 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 31) / 6 * 1.0), x + (175 * resolutionScaleX), y + (25 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 31 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 40 then
implDrawStar(0.9 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 31) / 9 * 0.9), x + (136 * resolutionScaleX), y + (24 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 34 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 40 then
implDrawStar(0.7 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 34) / 6 * 0.7), x + (159 * resolutionScaleX), y + (25 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 41 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 42 then
implDrawStar(0.7, x + (159 * resolutionScaleX), y + (25 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 43 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 50 then
implDrawStar(0.8 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 43) / 7 * 0.8), x + (196 * resolutionScaleX), y + (23 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 51 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 57 then
implDrawStar(0.8 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 51) / 6 * 0.8), x + (51 * resolutionScaleX), y + (5 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 51 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 52 then
implDrawStar(0.2, x + (166 * resolutionScaleX), y + (22 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 51 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 53 then
implDrawStar(0.8, x + (136 * resolutionScaleX), y + (24 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 51 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 55 then
implDrawStar(1.0, x + (176 * resolutionScaleX), y + (8 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 51 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 55 then
implDrawStar(1.0, x + (176 * resolutionScaleX), y + (8 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 61 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 70 then
implDrawStar(1.0 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 61) / 9 * 1.0), x + (196 * resolutionScaleX), y + (23 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 61 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 67 then
implDrawStar(0.7 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 61) / 6 * 0.7), x + (214 * resolutionScaleX), y + (14 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 63 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 70 then
implDrawStar(0.5 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 63) / 7 * 0.5), x + (129 * resolutionScaleX), y + (24 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 63 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 70 then
implDrawStar(0.5 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 63) / 7 * 0.5), x + (129 * resolutionScaleX), y + (24 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 65 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 70 then
implDrawStar(0.8 - ((namePlateEffect_counter - 65) / 5 * 0.8), x + (117 * resolutionScaleX), y + (7 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 71 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 72 then
implDrawStar(0.8, x + (151 * resolutionScaleX), y + (25 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 71 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 74 then
implDrawStar(0.8, x + (117 * resolutionScaleX), y + (7 * resolutionScaleY), star_small)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 85 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 112 then
slash.Opacity = 1400 - (namePlateEffect_counter - 85) * 50
slash:t2D_DisplayImage(x + ((((namePlateEffect_counter - 85) * (150 / 27))) * resolutionScaleX), y + (7 * resolutionScaleY));
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 105 and namePlateEffect_counter <= 120 then
big_scale = 1.0
if namePlateEffect_counter < 112 then
big_scale = (namePlateEffect_counter - 105) / 8
title_plate_star_big[titleTexIndex].Opacity = 255
title_plate_star_big[titleTexIndex].Opacity = (255 - (namePlateEffect_counter - 112) * 31.875)
title_plate_star_big[titleTexIndex]:tSetScale(big_scale, big_scale)
title_plate_star_big[titleTexIndex]:t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(x + (193 * resolutionScaleX), y + (6 * resolutionScaleY))
function implDrawTitleEffect(x, y, titleTexIndex)
if titleTexIndex >= 1 and titleTexIndex <= #title_plates then
if config_titleplate_effects[titleTexIndex] == "flash" then
implDrawStarFlash(x, y, titleTexIndex)
elseif config_titleplate_effects[titleTexIndex] == "none" then
function implDrawTitlePlate(x, y, opacity, titleTexIndex)
if titleTexIndex >= 1 and titleTexIndex <= #title_plates then
titleplate_frame = 1 + math.ceil(titleplate_counter * (#title_plates[titleTexIndex] - 1))
tx_titleplate = title_plates[titleTexIndex][titleplate_frame]
tx_titleplate.Opacity = opacity
tx_titleplate:t2D_DisplayImage(x + config_title_plate_offset_x, y + config_title_plate_offset_y)
function reloadLanguage(lang)
function getCharaOffset()
return base.szTextureSize.Width / 2
function setInfos(player, name, title, dan, data)
player_lua = player + 1
player_data[player_lua] = data
notitle[player_lua] = (title == "")
nodan[player_lua] = (player_data[player_lua].Dan == nil or player_data[player_lua].Dan == "")
if notitle[player_lua] then
name_titlekey[player_lua] = createTitleTextureKey(name, font_name_normal_size, 99999)
name_titlekey[player_lua] = createTitleTextureKey(name, font_name_withtitle, 99999)
title_titlekey[player_lua] = createTitleTextureKey(title, font_title, 99999, Color.FromArgb(0,0,0,1), Color.FromArgb(0,0,0,0))
dan_titlekey[player_lua] = createTitleTextureKey(dan, font_dan, 99999)
function loadAssets()
config = loadConfig("Config.json")
config_font_name_normal_size = getNum(config["font_name_normal"]["size"])
config_font_name_normal_maxsize = getNum(config["font_name_normal"]["maxsize"])
config_font_name_withtitle_size = getNum(config["font_name_withtitle"]["size"])
config_font_name_withtitle_maxsize = getNum(config["font_name_withtitle"]["maxsize"])
config_font_title_size = getNum(config["font_title"]["size"])
config_font_title_maxsize = getNum(config["font_title"]["maxsize"])
config_font_dan_size = getNum(config["font_dan"]["size"])
config_font_dan_maxsize = getNum(config["font_dan"]["maxsize"])
config_text_name_normal_offset_x = getNum(config["text_name_normal"]["offset_x"])
config_text_name_normal_offset_y = getNum(config["text_name_normal"]["offset_y"])
config_text_name_withtitle_offset_x = getNum(config["text_name_withtitle"]["offset_x"])
config_text_name_withtitle_offset_y = getNum(config["text_name_withtitle"]["offset_y"])
config_text_name_full_offset_x = getNum(config["text_name_full"]["offset_x"])
config_text_name_full_offset_y = getNum(config["text_name_full"]["offset_y"])
config_text_title_offset_x = getNum(config["text_title"]["offset_x"])
config_text_title_offset_y = getNum(config["text_title"]["offset_y"])
config_text_dan_offset_x = getNum(config["text_dan"]["offset_x"])
config_text_dan_offset_y = getNum(config["text_dan"]["offset_y"])
config_title_plate_offset_x = getNum(config["title_plate"]["offset_x"])
config_title_plate_offset_y = getNum(config["title_plate"]["offset_y"])
for i = 0, nameplate_count - 1 do
config_titletypes[i + 1] = tostring(i)
base = loadTexture("Base.png")
dan_base = loadTexture("Dan_Base.png")
slash = loadTexture("Shines/Slash.png")
for i = 1, 3 do
dan_gradation[i] = loadTexture("Dan_"..dan_types[i]..".png")
for i = 1, 5 do
players[i] = loadTexture(tostring(i).."P.png")
players_blue = loadTexture("1P_Blue.png")
for i = 1, #config_titletypes do
titledir = "Title/"..config_titletypes[i]
titleplate_config = config["titles"][config_titletypes[i]]
config_titleplate_effects[i] = "none"
config_titleplate_framecount = 0
if titleplate_config ~= nil then
config_titleplate_effects[i] = getText(titleplate_config["effect"])
config_titleplate_framecount = getNum(titleplate_config["framecount"])
local titleplates = { }
for j = 0, config_titleplate_framecount do
titleplates[j + 1] = loadTexture(titledir.."/"..j..".png")
title_plates[i] = titleplates
if config_titleplate_effects[i] == "flash" then
title_plate_star_small[i] = loadTexture(titledir.."/Small.png")
title_plate_star_big[i] = loadTexture(titledir.."/Big.png")
font_name_normal_size = loadFontRenderer(config_font_name_normal_size, "regular")
font_name_withtitle = loadFontRenderer(config_font_name_withtitle_size, "regular")
font_title = loadFontRenderer(config_font_title_size, "regular")
font_dan = loadFontRenderer(config_font_dan_size, "regular")
function drawDan(x, y, opacity, type, titleTex)
base.Opacity = opacity
base:t2D_DisplayImage(x, y)
dan_base.Opacity = opacity
dan_base:t2D_DisplayImage(x, y)
--Dan text
if not(nodan[player_lua]) then
titleTex:tSetScale(math.min(config_font_dan_maxsize / titleTex.szTextureSize.Width, 1.0), 1.0)
titleTex.Opacity = opacity
titleTex:t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(x + config_text_dan_offset_x, y + config_text_dan_offset_y)
function drawTitlePlate(x, y, opacity, titletype, titleTex)
base.Opacity = opacity
base:t2D_DisplayImage(x, y)
implDrawTitlePlate(x, y, opacity, titletype + 1)
titleTex:tSetScale(math.min(config_font_title_maxsize / titleTex.szTextureSize.Width, 1.0), 1.0)
titleTex.Opacity = opacity
titleTex:t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(x + config_text_title_offset_x, y + config_text_title_offset_y)
function update()
titleplate_counter = titleplate_counter + (3.3 * fps.deltaTime)
if titleplate_counter >= 1 then
titleplate_counter = 0
namePlateEffect_counter = namePlateEffect_counter + (60 * fps.deltaTime)
if namePlateEffect_counter >= 120 then
namePlateEffect_counter = 0
function draw(x, y, opacity, player, side)
player_lua = player + 1
side_lua = side + 1
--White background
base.Opacity = opacity
base:t2D_DisplayImage(x, y)
--Upper (title) plate
titleplate_index = player_data[player_lua].TitleType + 1
if not(notitle[player_lua]) then
implDrawTitlePlate(x, y, opacity, titleplate_index)
--Dan plate
if not(player_data[player_lua].Dan == nil) and not(player_data[player_lua].Dan == "") then
dan_base.Opacity = opacity
dan_base:t2D_DisplayImage(x, y)
dan_gradation[player_data[player_lua].DanType + 1].Opacity = opacity
dan_gradation[player_data[player_lua].DanType + 1]:t2D_DisplayImage(x, y)
implDrawTitleEffect(x, y, titleplate_index)
--Player number
if (player_lua == 1 and side_lua == 2) then
players_blue.Opacity = opacity
players_blue:t2D_DisplayImage(x, y)
players[player_lua].Opacity = opacity
players[player_lua]:t2D_DisplayImage(x, y)
--Dan text
if not(nodan[player_lua]) then
tx_dan = getTextTex(dan_titlekey[player_lua], false, false)
tx_dan:tSetScale(math.min(config_font_dan_maxsize / tx_dan.szTextureSize.Width, 1.0), 1.0)
tx_dan.Opacity = opacity
tx_dan:t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(x + config_text_dan_offset_x, y + config_text_dan_offset_y)
--Title/Name text
if notitle[player_lua] then
tx_name = getTextTex(name_titlekey[player_lua], false, false)
tx_name:tSetScale(math.min(config_font_name_normal_maxsize / tx_name.szTextureSize.Width, 1.0), 1.0)
tx_name.Opacity = opacity
tx_name:t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(x + config_text_name_normal_offset_x, y + config_text_name_normal_offset_y)
tx_title = getTextTex(title_titlekey[player_lua], false, false)
tx_title:tSetScale(math.min(config_font_title_maxsize / tx_title.szTextureSize.Width, 1.0), 1.0)
tx_title.Opacity = opacity
tx_title:t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(x + config_text_title_offset_x, y + config_text_title_offset_y)
tx_name = getTextTex(name_titlekey[player_lua], false, false)
tx_name:tSetScale(math.min(config_font_name_withtitle_maxsize / tx_name.szTextureSize.Width, 1.0), 1.0)
tx_name.Opacity = opacity
if nodan[player_lua] then
tx_name:t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(x + config_text_name_withtitle_offset_x, y + config_text_name_withtitle_offset_y)
tx_name:t2D_DisplayImage_AnchorCenter(x + config_text_name_full_offset_x, y + config_text_name_full_offset_y)
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.1 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.4 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 20 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 21 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 69 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 69 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 65 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 69 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.7 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 63 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.8 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.2 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 19 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 20 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 17 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 7.0 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.4 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.4 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.4 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 21 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 76 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
0 - Wood
1 - Orange
2 - Purple
3 - Green
4 - Red
5 - Blue
6 - Gray
7 - Rainbow
8 - Space
9 - Diamond
10 - ?
11 - Gold
12 - Pearl
13 - Platinum
14 - Kohaku (Character plate)
15 - Dashy (Character plate)
16 - Blue
17 - Red
18 - Sky Purple
19 - AI
20 - Cyan
21 - OpTk Yellow (Roll)
22 - Bol white
23 - Saturated blue
24 - Saturated green
25 - OpTk Chapter I
26 - OpTk Chapter II
27 - OpTk Chapter III
28 - OpTk Light
29 - OpTk Dark
30 - NEP0
@ -855,6 +855,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
if( r現在のステージ != null )
this.n進行描画の戻り値 = ( r現在のステージ != null ) ? r現在のステージ.Draw() : 0;
#region [ プラグインの進行描画 ]
@ -2566,7 +2567,7 @@ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
private bool bマウスカーソル表示中 = true;
private bool b終了処理完了済み;
private bool bネットワークに接続中 = false;
public bool bネットワークに接続中 { get; private set; } = false;
private long 前回のシステム時刻ms = long.MinValue;
private static CDTX[] dtx = new CDTX[ 5 ];
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
// CLangManager.LangInstance = new CLang_jp();
// break;
public static int langToInt(string lang)
@ -32,7 +32,24 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public string str項目名;
public string strName
return str項目名;
public string str説明文;
public string strDescription
return str説明文;
// コンストラクタ
@ -109,6 +126,12 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
return null;
public string tGetValueText()
object value = obj現在値();
return value == null ? "" : value.ToString();
public virtual int GetIndex()
return 0;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FDK;
using NLua;
using Silk.NET.OpenGLES;
using SkiaSharp;
using TJAPlayer3;
using static TJAPlayer3.CActSelect曲リスト;
namespace TJAPlayer3
class CLuaScript : IDisposable
private static List<CLuaScript> listScripts = new List<CLuaScript>();
public static void tReloadLanguage(string lang)
foreach (var item in listScripts)
public string strDir { get; private set; }
public string strTexturesDir { get; private set; }
public string strSounsdDir { get; private set; }
public bool bLoadedAssets { get; private set; }
public bool bDisposed { get; private set; }
public bool bCrashed { get; protected set; }
protected Lua LuaScript { get; private set; }
private LuaFunction lfLoadAssets;
private LuaFunction lfReloadLanguage;
private CLuaInfo luaInfo;
private CLuaFps luaFPS = new CLuaFps();
private List<IDisposable> listDisposables = new List<IDisposable>();
protected bool Avaibale
return bLoadedAssets && !bDisposed && !bCrashed;
private double getNum(JsonValue x)
return (double)x;
private string getText(JsonValue x)
return (string)x;
private List<double> getNumArray(JsonArray x)
List<double> array = new List<double>();
foreach (double value in x)
return array;
private List<string> getTextArray(JsonArray x)
List<string> array = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in x)
return array;
protected object[] RunLuaCode(LuaFunction luaFunction, params object[] args)
return luaFunction.Call(args);
catch (Exception exception)
return new object[0];
private JsonNode LoadConfig(string name)
using Stream stream = File.OpenRead($"{strDir}/{name}");
JsonNode jsonNode = JsonNode.Parse(stream);
return jsonNode;
private CTexture LoadTexture(string name)
CTexture texture = new CTexture($"{strTexturesDir}/{name}", false);
return texture;
private void DebugLog(string message)
Trace.TraceInformation("<Lua Log>: " + message);
private CSound LoadSound(string name, string soundGroupName)
ESoundGroup soundGroup;
switch (soundGroupName)
case "soundeffect":
soundGroup = ESoundGroup.SoundEffect;
case "voice":
soundGroup = ESoundGroup.Voice;
case "songpreview":
soundGroup = ESoundGroup.SongPreview;
case "songplayback":
soundGroup = ESoundGroup.SongPlayback;
soundGroup = ESoundGroup.Unknown;
CSound sound = TJAPlayer3.SoundManager?.tCreateSound($"{strSounsdDir}/{name}", soundGroup);
return sound;
private CCachedFontRenderer LoadFontRenderer(int size, string fontStyleName)
CFontRenderer.FontStyle fontStyle;
switch (fontStyleName)
case "regular":
fontStyle = CFontRenderer.FontStyle.Regular;
case "bold":
fontStyle = CFontRenderer.FontStyle.Bold;
case "italic":
fontStyle = CFontRenderer.FontStyle.Italic;
case "underline":
fontStyle = CFontRenderer.FontStyle.Underline;
case "strikeout":
fontStyle = CFontRenderer.FontStyle.Strikeout;
fontStyle = CFontRenderer.FontStyle.Regular;
CCachedFontRenderer fontRenderer = HPrivateFastFont.tInstantiateMainFont(size, fontStyle);
return fontRenderer;
private TitleTextureKey CreateTitleTextureKey(string title, CCachedFontRenderer fontRenderer, int maxSize, Color? color = null, Color? edgeColor = null)
return new TitleTextureKey(title, fontRenderer, color ?? Color.White, edgeColor ?? Color.Black, maxSize);
private CTexture GetTextTex(CActSelect曲リスト.TitleTextureKey titleTextureKey, bool vertical, bool keepCenter)
return TJAPlayer3.stageSongSelect.actSongList.ResolveTitleTexture(titleTextureKey, vertical, keepCenter);
public CLuaScript(string dir, string? texturesDir = null, string? soundsDir = null, bool loadAssets = true)
strDir = dir;
strTexturesDir = texturesDir ?? $"{dir}/Textures";
strSounsdDir = soundsDir ?? $"{dir}/Sounds";
LuaScript = new Lua();
LuaScript.State.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
LuaScript["info"] = luaInfo = new CLuaInfo(strDir);
LuaScript["fps"] = luaFPS;
lfLoadAssets = (LuaFunction)LuaScript["loadAssets"];
lfReloadLanguage = (LuaFunction)LuaScript["reloadLanguage"];
LuaScript["loadConfig"] = LoadConfig;
LuaScript["loadTexture"] = LoadTexture;
LuaScript["loadSound"] = LoadSound;
LuaScript["loadFontRenderer"] = LoadFontRenderer;
LuaScript["createTitleTextureKey"] = CreateTitleTextureKey;
LuaScript["getTextTex"] = GetTextTex;
LuaScript["getNum"] = getNum;
LuaScript["getText"] = getText;
LuaScript["getNumArray"] = getNumArray;
LuaScript["getTextArray"] = getTextArray;
LuaScript["displayDanPlate"] = CActSelect段位リスト.tDisplayDanPlate;
LuaScript["debugLog"] = DebugLog;
if (loadAssets) LoadAssets();
public void LoadAssets(params object[] args)
if (bLoadedAssets) return;
RunLuaCode(lfLoadAssets, args);
bLoadedAssets = true;
bDisposed = false;
public void ReloadLanguage(params object[] args)
RunLuaCode(lfReloadLanguage, args);
public void Dispose()
if (bDisposed) return;
foreach (IDisposable disposable in listDisposables)
bDisposed = true;
bLoadedAssets = false;
private void Crash(Exception exception)
bCrashed = true;
LogNotification.PopError($"Lua Script Error: {exception.ToString()}");
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace TJAPlayer3
internal class CLuaFps
public double deltaTime => TJAPlayer3.FPS.DeltaTime;
public int fps => TJAPlayer3.FPS.NowFPS;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace TJAPlayer3
internal class CLuaInfo
public int playerCount => TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.nPlayerCount;
public string lang => TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.sLang;
public bool simplemode => TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.SimpleMode;
public bool p1IsBlue => TJAPlayer3.P1IsBlue();
public bool online =>ネットワークに接続中;
public string dir { get; init; }
public CLuaInfo(string dir)
this.dir = dir;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
using FDK;
using NLua;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace TJAPlayer3
internal class CLuaNamePlateScript : CLuaScript
private LuaFunction lfGetCharaOffset;
private LuaFunction lfSetInfos;
private LuaFunction lfDrawDan;
private LuaFunction lfDrawTitlePlate;
private LuaFunction lfUpdate;
private LuaFunction lfDraw;
public CLuaNamePlateScript(string dir, string? texturesDir = null, string? soundsDir = null, bool loadAssets = true) : base(dir, texturesDir, soundsDir, loadAssets)
lfGetCharaOffset = (LuaFunction)LuaScript["getCharaOffset"];
lfSetInfos = (LuaFunction)LuaScript["setInfos"];
lfDrawDan = (LuaFunction)LuaScript["drawDan"];
lfDrawTitlePlate = (LuaFunction)LuaScript["drawTitlePlate"];
lfUpdate = (LuaFunction)LuaScript["update"];
lfDraw = (LuaFunction)LuaScript["draw"];
public int GetCharaOffset()
if (!Avaibale) return 0;
double result = (double)RunLuaCode(lfGetCharaOffset)[0];
return (int)result;
public void SetInfos(int player, string name, string title, string dan, SaveFile.Data data)
if (!Avaibale) return;
RunLuaCode(lfSetInfos, player, name ?? "", title ?? "", dan ?? "", data);
public void DrawDan(int x, int y, int opacity, int danGrade, CTexture titleTex)
if (!Avaibale) return;
RunLuaCode(lfDrawDan, x, y, opacity, danGrade, titleTex);
public void DrawTitlePlate(int x, int y, int opacity, int type, CTexture titleTex)
if (!Avaibale) return;
RunLuaCode(lfDrawTitlePlate, x, y, opacity, type, titleTex);
public void Update(params object[] args)
if (!Avaibale) return;
RunLuaCode(lfUpdate, args);
public void Draw(int x, int y, int opacity, int player, int side)
if (!Avaibale) return;
RunLuaCode(lfDraw, x, y, opacity, player, side);
@ -415,13 +415,13 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
tmpTex.color4 = CConversion.ColorToColor4(Color.DarkGray);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Heya_Side_Menu.color4 = CConversion.ColorToColor4(Color.DarkGray);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.color4 = CConversion.ColorToColor4(Color.DarkGray);
//TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.color4 = CConversion.ColorToColor4(Color.DarkGray);
tmpTex.color4 = CConversion.ColorToColor4(Color.White);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Heya_Side_Menu.color4 = CConversion.ColorToColor4(Color.White);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.color4 = CConversion.ColorToColor4(Color.White);
//TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.color4 = CConversion.ColorToColor4(Color.White);
int danGrade = 0;
@ -432,6 +432,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
var scroll = DrawSide_Menu(i + (TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Count / 2));
scroll.Item1 - TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.szTextureSize.Width / 2,
scroll.Item2 - TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.szTextureSize.Height / 24,
@ -439,7 +440,8 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.color4 = CConversion.ColorToColor4(Color.White);
tmpTex.t2D拡大率考慮上中央基準描画(scroll.Item1 + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Font_Offset[0], scroll.Item2 + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Font_Offset[1]);
TJAPlayer3.NamePlate.lcNamePlate.DrawDan(scroll.Item1, scroll.Item2, 255, danGrade, tmpTex);
@ -481,14 +483,18 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
else if (pos == 0)
iType = 0;
if (iType >= 0 && iType < TJAPlayer3.Skin.Config_NamePlate_Ptn_Title)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Title[iType][TJAPlayer3.NamePlate.ctAnimatedNamePlateTitle.CurrentValue % TJAPlayer3.Skin.Config_NamePlate_Ptn_Title_Boxes[iType]].t2D拡大率考慮上中央基準描画(
tmpTex.t2D拡大率考慮上中央基準描画(scroll.Item1 + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Font_Offset[0], scroll.Item2 + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Font_Offset[1]);
TJAPlayer3.NamePlate.lcNamePlate.DrawTitlePlate(scroll.Item1, scroll.Item2, 255, iType, tmpTex);
//tmpTex.t2D拡大率考慮上中央基準描画(scroll.Item1 + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Font_Offset[0], scroll.Item2 + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Font_Offset[1]);
@ -606,9 +606,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
if (iType >= 0 && iType < TJAPlayer3.Skin.Config_NamePlate_Ptn_Title)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Title[iType][TJAPlayer3.NamePlate.ctAnimatedNamePlateTitle.CurrentValue % TJAPlayer3.Skin.Config_NamePlate_Ptn_Title_Boxes[iType]].t2D拡大率考慮上中央基準描画(
//TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Title[iType][TJAPlayer3.NamePlate.ctAnimatedNamePlateTitle.CurrentValue % TJAPlayer3.Skin.Config_NamePlate_Ptn_Title_Boxes[iType]].t2D拡大率考慮上中央基準描画(
// x,
// y);
tmpTex.t2D拡大率考慮上中央基準描画(x + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Font_Offset[0], y + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Font_Offset[1]);
@ -653,6 +653,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
danGrade = TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[CurrentPlayer].data.DanTitles[this.ttkDanTitles[index].str文字].clearStatus;
x - TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.szTextureSize.Width / 2,
y - TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.szTextureSize.Height / 24,
@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.color4 = CConversion.ColorToColor4(Color.White);
tmpTex.t2D拡大率考慮上中央基準描画(x + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Font_Offset[0], y + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Heya_Side_Menu_Font_Offset[1]);
@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
class CNamePlate
public CLuaNamePlateScript lcNamePlate { get; private set; }
public void RefleshSkin()
for (int player = 0; player < 5; player++)
@ -29,12 +31,18 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
this.pfTitle = HPrivateFastFont.tInstantiateMainFont(TJAPlayer3.Skin.NamePlate_Font_Title_Size);
this.pfdan = HPrivateFastFont.tInstantiateMainFont(TJAPlayer3.Skin.NamePlate_Font_Dan_Size);
lcNamePlate = new CLuaNamePlateScript(CSkin.Path("Modules/NamePlate"));
for (int player = 0; player < 5; player++)
public CNamePlate()
for (int player = 0; player < 5; player++)
if (TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.DanType < 0) TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.DanType = 0;
@ -42,13 +50,14 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
if (TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.TitleType < 0) TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.TitleType = 0;
ctNamePlateEffect = new CCounter(0, 120, 16.6f, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
ctAnimatedNamePlateTitle = new CCounter(0, 10000, 60.0f, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
//ctNamePlateEffect = new CCounter(0, 120, 16.6f, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
//ctAnimatedNamePlateTitle = new CCounter(0, 10000, 60.0f, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
public void tNamePlateDisplayNamePlateBase(int x, int y, int item)
int namePlateBaseX = TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.szTextureSize.Width;
@ -66,6 +75,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Extension?.t2D描画(x, y, new RectangleF(0, item * namePlateBaseY, namePlateBaseX, namePlateBaseY));
public void tNamePlateRefreshTitles(int player)
@ -73,21 +83,36 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
string[] stages = { "初", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "極" };
string name = CLangManager.LangInstance.GetString("AI_NAME");
string title = CLangManager.LangInstance.GetString("AI_TITLE");
string dan = stages[Math.Max(0, TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.nAILevel - 1)] + "面";
string name;
string title;
string dan;
if (!TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.bAIBattleMode || actualPlayer == 0)
bool isAI = TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.bAIBattleMode && player == 1;
if (isAI)
name = CLangManager.LangInstance.GetString("AI_NAME");
title = CLangManager.LangInstance.GetString("AI_TITLE");
dan = stages[Math.Max(0, TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.nAILevel - 1)] + "面";
name = TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.Name;
title = TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.Title;
dan = TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.Dan;
bIsPrevAI[player] = isAI;
txTitle[player] = TJAPlayer3.stageSongSelect.actSongList.ResolveTitleTexture(new TitleTextureKey(title, pfTitle, Color.Black, Color.Empty, 1000));
txName[player] = TJAPlayer3.stageSongSelect.actSongList.ResolveTitleTexture(new TitleTextureKey(name, pfName[player], Color.White, Color.Black, 1000));
if (TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.DanGold) txdan[player] = TJAPlayer3.stageSongSelect.actSongList.ResolveTitleTexture(new TitleTextureKey($"<g.#FFE34A.#EA9622>{dan}</g>", pfdan, Color.White, Color.Black, 1000));
else txdan[player] = TJAPlayer3.stageSongSelect.actSongList.ResolveTitleTexture(new TitleTextureKey(dan, pfdan, Color.White, Color.Black, 1000));
if (TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.DanGold)
lcNamePlate.SetInfos(player, name, title, $"<g.#FFE34A.#EA9622>{dan}</g>", TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data);
lcNamePlate.SetInfos(player, name, title, dan, TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data);
@ -99,15 +124,27 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
int basePlayer = player;
player = TJAPlayer3.GetActualPlayer(player);
this.txName[player].Opacity = Opacity;
this.txTitle[player].Opacity = Opacity;
this.txdan[player].Opacity = Opacity;
bool isAI = TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.bAIBattleMode && basePlayer == 1;
if (bIsPrevAI[basePlayer] != isAI)
bIsPrevAI[basePlayer] = isAI;
lcNamePlate.Draw(x, y, Opacity, basePlayer, player);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlateBase.Opacity = Opacity;
@ -203,8 +240,10 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
// Overlap frame
tNamePlateDisplayNamePlateBase(x, y, 4);
private void tNamePlateDraw(int player, int x, int y, int Opacity = 255)
if (Opacity == 0)
@ -341,13 +380,6 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
if (this.ctNamePlateEffect.CurrentValue >= 105 && this.ctNamePlateEffect.CurrentValue <= 120)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Effect[[player] + 1].Opacity = this.ctNamePlateEffect.n現在の値 >= 112 ? (int)(255 - (this.ctNamePlateEffect.n現在の値 - 112) * 31.875f) : 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Effect[[player] + 1].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = this.ctNamePlateEffect.n現在の値 >= 112 ? 1.0f : (this.ctNamePlateEffect.n現在の値 - 105) / 8f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Effect[[player] + 1].vc拡大縮小倍率.Y = this.ctNamePlateEffect.n現在の値 >= 112 ? 1.0f : (this.ctNamePlateEffect.n現在の値 - 105) / 8f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Effect[[player] + 1].t2D拡大率考慮中央基準描画(x + 193, y + 6);
int tt = TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.TitleType;
if (tt >= 0 && tt < TJAPlayer3.Skin.Config_NamePlate_Ptn_Title && TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Title_Big[tt] != null) {
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Title_Big[tt].Opacity = this.ctNamePlateEffect.CurrentValue >= 112 ? (int)(255 - (this.ctNamePlateEffect.CurrentValue - 112) * 31.875f) : 255;
@ -359,14 +391,11 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
private void tNamePlateStarDraw(int player, float Scale, float x, float y)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Effect[[player] - 1].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = Scale;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Effect[[player] - 1].vc拡大縮小倍率.Y = Scale;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Effect[[player] - 1].t2D拡大率考慮中央基準描画(x, y);
int tt = TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.TitleType;
if (tt >= 0 && tt < TJAPlayer3.Skin.Config_NamePlate_Ptn_Title && TJAPlayer3.Tx.NamePlate_Title_Small[tt] != null)
@ -376,7 +405,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
private CCachedFontRenderer[] pfName = new CCachedFontRenderer[5];
private CCachedFontRenderer pfTitle;
private CCachedFontRenderer pfdan;
@ -387,5 +418,8 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
private CTexture[] txName = new CTexture[5];
private CTexture[] txTitle = new CTexture[5];
private CTexture[] txdan = new CTexture[5];
private bool[] bIsPrevAI = new bool[5];