4.9 KiB
日本語 : https://github.com/0auBSQ/OpenTaiko/blob/main/README-JA.md
Old TJAPlayer3-Develop-BSQ, a spiritual successor to TJAPlayer3.
Discord : https://discord.gg/aA8scTvZ6B
Japanese Discord : https://discord.gg/CJ4nTkpy7t
Changelogs: https://github.com/0auBSQ/OpenTaiko/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md
Cautions before using (IMPORTANT)
It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to use this software. The creator will not take responsibilities for any problems you got from using this software.
Please research before asking people.
If your PC can not maintain 60fps stably, it will not work well with the software.
From 0.6.0 onwards, please download and manage OpenTaiko releases through the OpenTaiko Hub: https://github.com/OpenTaiko/OpenTaiko-Hub
Additional notes
Songs, Skins and different assets are now on different repositories and only the minimum is provided for developement purposes, you can get the content either on the OpenTaiko Hub or on the following repositories:
- OpenTaiko Soundtrack: https://github.com/OpenTaiko/OpenTaiko-Soundtrack
- OpenTaiko Skins (OWM, Simple Style): https://github.com/OpenTaiko/OpenTaiko-Skins
Using this software on streams and videos
If there is an tag feature on the website you are using, tagging it as "OpenTaiko" will avoid confusion, and might raise video as similar content, so it is highly recommended.
The author of this software does not support breaking copyright laws, so please follow as per your country's copyright laws. Additionally, the OpenTaiko team is strongly against the secondary distribution of skins trying to reproduce specific commercial video games.
Editing source code/Secondary distribution
OpenTaiko is open source code with MIT license. Under the MIT license, you are allowed to make edits, or secondary distribute, however this is all YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Also, under the used library's licenses, PLEASE include the "License" folder when editing or redistributing it. Please follow the creators' licenses and rules for other skins or song packages. OpenTaiko license does not apply in this case.
Multiple fun ways to play Taiko.
More customization for better skinning potential, and make "Everyone could play Taiko easily at their own style" true.
Optimizations, bug fixes, and QOL features.
- Copying other games/commercial licenses accurately.
Rules for posting Issues/Pull requests
Thank you for posting to Issue/Pull Request. It is very much appreciated.
PLEASE follow Japan and France copyright laws in the post.
IMPORTANT: Once you post an issue, please write the release version and recreation steps. If it is a crash, please attach the TJAPlayer3.log file.
If you want CLang translations, please contact the software author on Discord beforehand.
Feature requests
If you want a feature to be added please contact us on Discord beforehand.
If the feature request is good it might be added.
- IMPORTANT: Feature requests such as "Please recreate UI/UX as per following (Insert any commercial game name here)" will be denied and left without answer.
- Takkkom/Major OpenTaiko features (1080p support, AI Battle mode, 5P mode and so on)
- AkiraChnl/OpenTaiko Icon(@akirach_jp)
- Reichisama/OpenTaiko 0.6.0 Icon(@himikoreichi135)
- cien/OpenTaiko Logo/Various Default Skin Assets(@CienpixeL)
- funnym0th/OpenTaiko Spanish Translation (@funnym0th)
- basketballsmash/English README Translation(@basketballsmash)
- Meowgister/OpenTaiko English Translation
- WHMHammer/OpenTaiko Chinese Translation(@WHMHammer)
- Expédic Habbet/OpenTaiko Chinese Text Assistance, Russian Text(@ExpedicHabbet)
- Aioilight/TJAPlayer3(@aioilight)
- TwoPointZero/TJAPlayer3(@twopointzero)
- KabanFriends/TJAPlayer3(@KabanFriends)
- Mr-Ojii/TJAPlayer3-f(@Mr-Ojii)
- Akasoko/TJAPlayer3(@AkasokoR)
- FROM/DTXMaina(@DTXMania)
- Kairera0467/TJAP2fPC(@Kairera0467)
- touhourenren/TJAPlayer3-Develop-Rewrite