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EmmyHeart 9681f86e33 Chunithm SQL documentation
Figured I would outline all of the neat SQL tricks you can do with this build, as well as properly document the features.
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ARTEMiS Games Documentation

Below are all supported games with supported version ids in order to use the corresponding importer and database upgrades.

Important: The described database upgrades are only required if you are using an old database schema, f.e. still using the megaime database. Clean installations always create the latest database structure!

Table of content

Supported Games

Games listed below have been tested and confirmed working.



Version ID Version Name


Version ID Version Name


In order to use the importer locate your game installation folder and execute:

python read.py --series SDBT --version <version ID> --binfolder /path/to/game/folder --optfolder /path/to/game/option/folder

The importer for Chunithm will import: Events, Music, Charge Items and Avatar Accesories.

Database upgrade

Always make sure your database (tables) are up-to-date, to do so go to the core/data/schema/versions folder and see which version is the latest, f.e. SDBT_4_upgrade.sql. In order to upgrade to version 4 in this case you need to perform all previous updates as well:

python dbutils.py --game SDBT upgrade

Online Battle

Only matchmaking (with your imaginary friends) is supported! Online Battle does not (yet?) work!

The first person to start the Online Battle (now called host) will create a "matching room" with a given roomId, after that max 3 other people can join the created room. Non used slots during the matchmaking will be filled with CPUs after the timer runs out. As soon as a new member will join the room the timer will jump back to 60 secs again. Sending those 4 messages to all other users is also working properly. In order to use the Online Battle every user needs the same ICF, same rom version and same data version! If a room is full a new room will be created if another user starts an Online Battle. After a failed Online Battle the room will be deleted. The host is used for the timer countdown, so if the connection failes to the host the timer will stop and could create a "frozen" state.


  • Online Battle uses UDP hole punching and opens port 50201?
  • reflectorUri seems related to that?
  • Timer countdown should be handled globally and not by one user
  • Game can freeze or can crash if someone (especially the host) leaves the matchmaking


You can configure up to 4 rivals in Chunithm on a per-user basis. There is no UI to do this currently, so in the database, you can do this:

INSERT INTO aime.chuni_item_favorite (user, version, favId, favKind) VALUES (<user1>, <version>, <user2>, 2);
INSERT INTO aime.chuni_item_favorite (user, version, favId, favKind) VALUES (<user2>, <version>, <user1>, 2);

Note that the version must match, otherwise song lookup may not work.


You can also configure teams for users to be on. There is no UI to do this currently, so in the database, you can do this:

INSERT INTO aime.chuni_profile_team (teamName) VALUES (<teamName>);

Team names can be regular ASCII, and they will be displayed ingame.

On smaller installations, you may also wish to enable scaled team rankings. By default, Chunithm determines team ranking within the first 100 teams. This can be configured in the YAML:

  rank_scale: True # Scales the in-game ranking based on the number of teams within the database, rather than the default scale of ~100 that the game normally uses.

Favorite songs

You can set the songs that will be in a user's Favorite Songs category using the following SQL entries:

INSERT INTO aime.chuni_item_favorite (user, version, favId, favKind) VALUES (<user>, <version>, <songId>, 1);

The songId is based on the actual ID within your version of Chunithm.

crossbeats REV.


Version ID Version Name
0 crossbeats REV.
1 crossbeats REV. SUNRISE
2 crossbeats REV. SUNRISE S2
3 crossbeats REV. SUNRISE S2 Omnimix


In order to use the importer you need to use the provided Export.csv file:

python read.py --series SDCA --version <version ID> --binfolder titles/cxb/data

The importer for crossbeats REV. will import Music.


Config file is located in config/cxb.yaml.

Option Info
hostname Requires a proper hostname (not localhost!) to run
ssl_enable Enables/Disables the use of the ssl_cert and ssl_key
port Set your unsecure port number
port_secure Set your secure/SSL port number
ssl_cert, ssl_key Enter your SSL certificate (requires not self signed cert)

maimai DX


Game Code Version ID Version Name

For versions pre-dx

Game Code Version ID Version Name
SBXL 0 maimai
SBXL 1 maimai PLUS
SBZF 2 maimai GreeN
SBZF 3 maimai GreeN PLUS
SDBM 4 maimai ORANGE
SDCQ 6 maimai PiNK
SDCQ 7 maimai PiNK PLUS
SDDZ 10 maimai MILK
SDDZ 11 maimai MILK PLUS
SDEY 12 maimai FiNALE
SDEZ 13 maimai DX
SDEZ 14 maimai DX PLUS
SDEZ 15 maimai DX Splash
SDEZ 16 maimai DX Splash PLUS
SDEZ 17 maimai DX Universe
SDEZ 18 maimai DX Universe PLUS
SDEZ 19 maimai DX Festival


In order to use the importer locate your game installation folder and execute: DX:

python read.py --series <Game Code> --version <Version ID> --binfolder /path/to/StreamingAssets --optfolder /path/to/game/option/folder


python read.py --series <Game Code> --version <Version ID> --binfolder /path/to/data --optfolder /path/to/patch/data

The importer for maimai DX will import Events, Music and Tickets.

The importer for maimai Pre-DX will import Events and Music. Not all games will have patch data. Milk - Finale have file encryption, and need an AES key. That key is not provided by the developers. For games that do use encryption, provide the key, as a hex string, with the --extra flag. Ex --extra 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF

Important: It is required to use the importer because some games may not function properly or even crash without Events!

Database upgrade

Always make sure your database (tables) are up-to-date, to do so go to the core/data/schema/versions folder and see which version is the latest, f.e. SDEZ_2_upgrade.sql. In order to upgrade to version 2 in this case you need to perform all previous updates as well:

python dbutils.py --game SDEZ upgrade

Pre-Dx uses the same database as DX, so only upgrade using the SDEZ game code!

Hatsune Miku Project Diva


Version ID Version Name
0 Project Diva Arcade
1 Project Diva Arcade Future Tone


In order to use the importer locate your game installation folder and execute:

python read.py --series SBZV --version <version ID> --binfolder /path/to/game/data/diva --optfolder /path/to/game/data/diva/mdata

The importer for Project Diva Arcade will all required data in order to use the Shop, Modules and Customizations.


Config file is located in config/diva.yaml.

Option Info
unlock_all_modules Unlocks all modules (costumes) by default, if set to False all modules need to be purchased
unlock_all_items Unlocks all items (customizations) by default, if set to False all items need to be purchased

Database upgrade

Always make sure your database (tables) are up-to-date, to do so go to the core/data/schema/versions folder and see which version is the latest, f.e. SBZV_4_upgrade.sql. In order to upgrade to version 4 in this case you need to perform all previous updates as well:

python dbutils.py --game SBZV upgrade



Version ID Version Name
0 O.N.G.E.K.I.
1 O.N.G.E.K.I. +
2 O.N.G.E.K.I. Summer
3 O.N.G.E.K.I. Summer +
4 O.N.G.E.K.I. Red
5 O.N.G.E.K.I. Red +
6 O.N.G.E.K.I. Bright
7 O.N.G.E.K.I. Bright Memory


In order to use the importer locate your game installation folder and execute:

python read.py --series SDDT --version <version ID> --binfolder /path/to/game/folder --optfolder /path/to/game/option/folder

The importer for O.N.G.E.K.I. will all all Cards, Music and Events.

NOTE: The Importer is required for Card Maker.


Config file is located in config/ongeki.yaml.

Option Info
enabled_gachas Enter all gacha IDs for Card Maker to work, other than default may not work due to missing cards added to them

Note: 1149 and higher are only for Card Maker 1.35 and higher and will be ignored on lower versions.

Database upgrade

Always make sure your database (tables) are up-to-date, to do so go to the core/data/schema/versions folder and see which version is the latest, f.e. SDDT_4_upgrade.sql. In order to upgrade to version 4 in this case you need to perform all previous updates as well:

python dbutils.py --game SDDT upgrade

Card Maker


Version ID Version Name
0 Card Maker 1.30
1 Card Maker 1.35

Support status

  • Card Maker 1.30:

    • CHUNITHM NEW!!: Yes
    • maimai DX UNiVERSE: Yes
    • O.N.G.E.K.I. Bright: Yes
  • Card Maker 1.35:

    • CHUNITHM SUN: Yes (NEW PLUS!! up to A032)
    • maimai DX FESTiVAL: Yes (up to A035) (UNiVERSE PLUS up to A031)
    • O.N.G.E.K.I. Bright Memory: Yes


In order to use the importer you need to use the provided .csv files (which are required for O.N.G.E.K.I.) and the option folders:

python read.py --series SDED --version <version ID> --binfolder titles/cm/cm_data --optfolder /path/to/cardmaker/option/folder

If you haven't already executed the O.N.G.E.K.I. importer, make sure you import all cards!

python read.py --series SDDT --version <version ID> --binfolder /path/to/game/folder --optfolder /path/to/game/option/folder

Also make sure to import all maimai DX and CHUNITHM data as well:

python read.py --series SDED --version <version ID> --binfolder /path/to/cardmaker/CardMaker_Data

The importer for Card Maker will import all required Gachas (Banners) and cards (for maimai DX/CHUNITHM) and the hardcoded Cards for each Gacha (O.N.G.E.K.I. only).

NOTE: Without executing the importer Card Maker WILL NOT work!

Config setup

Make sure to update your config/cardmaker.yaml with the correct version for each game. To get the current version required to run a specific game, open every opt (Axxx) folder descending until you find all three folders:

  • MU3: O.N.G.E.K.I.
  • MAI: maimai DX

Inside each folder is a DataConfig.xml file, for example:



Now update your config/cardmaker.yaml with the correct version number, for example:

  1: # Card Maker 1.35
    ongeki: 1.35.03


Gacha "無料ガチャ" can only pull from the free cards with the following probabilities: 94%: R, 5% SR and 1% chance of getting an SSR card

Gacha "無料ガチャSR確定" can only pull from free SR cards with prob: 92% SR and 8% chance of getting an SSR card

Gacha "レギュラーガチャ" can pull from every card added to ongeki_static_cards with the following prob: 77% R, 20% SR and 3% chance of getting an SSR card

All other (limited) gachas can pull from every card added to ongeki_static_cards but with the promoted cards (click on the green button under the banner) having a 10 times higher chance to get pulled


All cards in CHUNITHM (basically just the characters) have the same rarity to it just pulls randomly from all cards from a given gacha but made sure you cannot pull the same card twice in the same 5 times gacha roll.

maimai DX

Printed maimai DX cards: Freedom (cardTypeId=6) or Gold Pass (cardTypeId=4) can now be selected during the login process. You can only have ONE Freedom and ONE Gold Pass active at a given time. The cards will expire after 15 days.

Thanks GetzeAvenue for the selectedCardList rarity hint!


Card Maker 1.30-1.34 will only load an O.N.G.E.K.I. Bright profile (1.30). Card Maker 1.35+ will only load an O.N.G.E.K.I. Bright Memory profile (1.35). The gachas inside the config/ongeki.yaml will make sure only the right gacha ids for the right CM version will be loaded. Gacha IDs up to 1140 will be loaded for CM 1.34 and all gachas will be loaded for CM 1.35.



Version ID Version Name
2 WACCA Lily
3 WACCA Lily R
4 WACCA Reverse


In order to use the importer locate your game installation folder and execute:

python read.py --series SDFE --version <version ID> --binfolder /path/to/game/WindowsNoEditor/Mercury/Content

The importer for WACCA will import all Music data.


Config file is located in config/wacca.yaml.

Option Info
always_vip Enables/Disables VIP, if disabled it needs to be purchased manually in game
infinite_tickets Always set the "unlock expert" tickets to 5
infinite_wp Sets the user WP to 999999
enabled_gates Enter all gate IDs which should be enabled in game

Database upgrade

Always make sure your database (tables) are up-to-date, to do so go to the core/data/schema/versions folder and see which version is the latest, f.e. SDFE_3_upgrade.sql. In order to upgrade to version 3 in this case you need to perform all previous updates as well:

python dbutils.py --game SDFE upgrade

VIP Rewards

Below is a list of VIP rewards. Currently, VIP is not implemented, and thus these are not obtainable. These 23 rewards were distributed once per month for VIP users on the real network.

	211004 リッチ
	211018 特盛えりざべす
	211025 イースター
	211026 特盛りりぃ
	311004 ファンシー
	311005 インカンテーション
	311014 夜明け
	311015 ネイビー
	311016 特盛るーん

Ring Colors:
	203002 Gold Rushイエロー
	203009 トロピカル
	303005 ネイチャー

	202020 どらみんぐ
	202063 ユニコーン
	202086 ゴリラ
	302014 ローズ
	302015 ファラオ
	302045 肉球
	302046 WACCA
	302047 WACCA Lily
	302048 WACCA Reverse

Note Sound Effect:
	205002 テニス
	205008 シャワー
	305003 タンバリンMk-Ⅱ



Version ID Version Name


In order to use the importer locate your game installation folder and execute:

python read.py --series SDEW --version <version ID> --binfolder /path/to/game/extractedassets

The importer for SAO will import all items, heroes, support skills and titles data.


Config file is located in config/sao.yaml.

Option Info
hostname Changes the server listening address for Mucha
port Changes the listing port
auto_register Allows the game to handle the automatic registration of new cards

Database upgrade

Always make sure your database (tables) are up-to-date, to do so go to the core/data/schema/versions folder and see which version is the latest, f.e. SDEW_1_upgrade.sql. In order to upgrade to version 3 in this case you need to perform all previous updates as well:

python dbutils.py --game SDEW upgrade


  • Defrag Match will crash at loading
  • Co-Op Online is not supported
  • Shop is not functionnal
  • Player title is currently static and cannot be changed in-game
  • QR Card Scanning currently only load a static hero

Credits for SAO support:

  • Midorica - Limited Network Support
  • Dniel97 - Helping with network base
  • tungnotpunk - Source