This repository contains the source code and design files for a Solder Plate Controller and detachable hotplate. Processor used is ATmega4809 and is based on the work of DerSpatz:
3.**Power Supply Connection:** Connect a suitable power supply. 12V 5A tested, 24v 5A compatible. Use of more then 5A requires a appropriate FUSE to be chosen and solder on place of F1
Same process as DerSpatz Solder plate (Direct quote):
The MCU can be programmed with JTAG2UPDI ( For programming, you need an Arduino with ATMEGA328p (Uno or Nano), some wires, a 4.7k resistor and a 10µF capacitor or 120 Ohm resistor to disable the auto-reset.
JCM from the Discord explained the process pretty good:
- Download/Clone this project: and rename the folder "source" to "jtag2updi" (otherwise the Arduino IDE won't like it)
- Open jtag2updi/jtag2updi.ino in your Arduino IDE
- Configure the flasher options for your Arduino Nano and flash it
- Connect D6 of your Arduino Nano over the 4.7kOhm resistor to the UPDI pin of the board and 5V to 5V and GND to 0V
- Add the MegaCoreX hardware package to the Ardunio IDE (see
- Install the Adafruit_GFX, Adafruit_SSD1306, DallasTemperature and Debounce2 libraries with the Library Manager (you might not need all of them depending on which firmware you plan to use)
- Download and open the ino you want to upload to the ATMEGA4809 (
- Select the options for the programmer (Board: ATmega4809, Clock: Internal 16 MHz, BOD: 2.6V or 2.7V, EEPROM: retained, Pinout: 48 pin standard, Reset pin: Reset, Bootloader:Optiboot:Uart0(Defualt pins)) and select the port of your Ardunio Nano as Port
- Make sure the programmer selected is SerialUPDI
- Select Burn Bootloader and see if it runs through
2.**MicroUSB Programming And Firmware Upload:**
- Using Platformio:
1. After flashing the bootloader, the ATmega4809 can be programmed via the microUSB connection using PlatformIO by building the project and upload
// Use a AVR programmer or the jtag2updi modified arduino nano/uno menitoned above
- Using AVRDude
1. Folow instructions on :
- Using AVRDUDESS (AVRDUDE with GUI interface) -- This section many not be completley finished
1. Download and install AVRDUDE 6.3 :