The aamp editor now acts like the byaml one.
Fixed aamp files saving with improper strings.
Added toggle for viewport in bfres editor. The setting will apply to the config so you can always disable it for quicker previewing for bfres.
More editors for bfres now dock rather than convering the whole screen.
Plugins can have icons for the toolstrip that contains the save/update icons.
Force PTCL texture injection due to an alignment thing
Fixed bfres from taking too long to save with 100s or even 1000s of animations. From 30 - 70 minutes, to over 8- 20 seconds!
Fixed weights and buffers not importing properly.
Fixed byaml editor's dialog buttons improperly placed on resize.
Fixed the shader param editor not adjusting the height for float4 types.
Fixed the shape editor not adjusting some lists properly.
Fixed hash based sarcs not saving right (menu.szs for example).
Fixed bflim sarc alignment from being corrupted.
Add alignment for effect file formats in sarc.
Add bflim to the texture loader in sarc for batch previewing/edits
Fixed version issues between swapping binarys from bfres sections.
Fixed FMDL exports from crashing.
Fixed FSCN and FBNV from not having a replace option
Fixed samplers for switch not mapping properly.
Fixed DDS files exporting mip maps wrong. Would cause them to not import back with size errors.
Fixed bntx alignment causing corrupted textures.
Fixed bfres not opening from null bone indices/unrigged meshes.
Fix bymls with path nodes from saving.
Fix material list not loading when another object is selected.
Fix skeletons not exporting
Fix materials missing a name and not updating in the editor properly
- Fix dds and bftex not showing on the filter for bntx/nutexb properly