Tested with:
aciotest / eamiotest:
- DDR Slotted: Node 1: type 3, flag 0, version 1.1.0, product ICCA, build date: Oct 26 2005 13:55:03
- DDR Slotted: Node 2: type 3, flag 0, version 1.1.0, product ICCA, build date: Oct 26 2005 13:55:03
(tested with just 1, as well as a pair)
aciotest / eamiotest / IIDX10,12,27:
- IIDX Wavepass: Node 1: type 3, flag 0, version 1.5.1, product ICCB, build date: Apr 12 2010 09:29:00
- IIDX Wavepass: Node 2: type 3, flag 0, version 1.5.1, product ICCB, build date: Apr 12 2010 09:29:00
(IIDX13 errors on card-in, probably issue with how eamio is being used as previously eamio-icca had no use on it)
aciotest / eamiotest / sdvx1-5:
- SDVX Wavepass: Node 1: type 3, flag 0, version 1.5.1, product ICCB, build date: Apr 12 2010 09:29:00
- Jubeat Wavepass: Node 1: type 3, flag 0, version 1.7.3, product ICCC, build date: Oct 05 2012 20:26:53
- Museca Wavepass: Node 2: type 3, flag 0, version 1.7.4, product ICCC, build date: Feb 27 2013 16:44:51
Moved this hardware/iidxio impl specific logic from vigem-iidxio
to iidxio-bio2. Other hardware impls should follow this if
necessary to ensure a transparent and deterministic interface
(as good as possible)
Reported by Grim:
LR2 cannot make use of the d-pad as buttons for inputs because
reasons. Create a third virtual gamepad to allow handling all
inputs as "normal buttons" including turntables.
This uses vigem to create two virtual xbox gamepads and hooks
up the iidxio API to them. It allows you to use anything that
implements the BT5's iidxio API as a game controller, e.g.
iidxio-bio2, iidxio-ezusb1/2 to play any game that supports
xbox game controllers, e.g. lunatic rave, IIDX infinitas.
Further features include setting your own custom 16seg text
from a configuration file or enable some hardcoded light
sequence to make your cabinet look bad ass even when playing
"Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing"
Press Start P1 + Start P2 + Effect + VEFX at the same time to
terminate the game. Useful for multi game setups running some
sort of game loader/selector and not having to use a keyboard.
Taken from a communication dump of the real IO with iidx 27,
this needs to be 0x2D in order to get a fully working setup with
BIO2 and sub IO board connected.
The single byte is a specific parameter required to initialize
the IO correctly. Otherwise, it either will only work partially
or not worked at all. The full impact and meaning of that byte
is not entirely known, yet.
Turns out this is different from the generic CLEAR command used
on other ACIO devices. Has further implications when initializing
BIO2 boards for specific games, e.g. IIDX.