[20]="Turn OFF if you don't want to encount\n GAME OVER.",
[21]="Turn ON to use child BOX (subfolders)\n at RANDOM SELECT.",
[22]="Turn ON to wait VSync (Vertical\n Synchronizing signal) at every\n drawings. (so FPS becomes 60)\nIf you have enough CPU/GPU power,\n the scroll would become smooth.",
[23]="To use AVI playback or not.",
[24]="To draw BGA (back ground animations)\n or not.",
[25]="Delay time(ms) to start playing preview\n sound in SELECT MUSIC screen.\nYou can specify from 0ms to 10000ms.",
[26]="Delay time(ms) to show preview image\n in SELECT MUSIC screen.\nYou can specify from 0ms to 10000ms.",
[27]="To show song informations on playing\n BGA area. (FPS, BPM, total time etc)\nYou can ON/OFF the indications\n by pushing [Del] while playing drums",
[28]="The degree for transparing playing\n screen and wallpaper.\n\n0=completely transparent,\n255=no transparency",
[29]="Turn OFF if you don't want to play\n BGM.",
[30]="To save high-scores/skills, turn it ON.\nTurn OFF in case your song data are\n in read-only media (CD-ROM etc).\nNote that the score files also contain\n 'BGM Adjust' parameter. So if you\n want to keep adjusting parameter,\n you need to set SaveScore=ON.",
[31]="To apply BS1770GAIN loudness\nmetadata when playing songs, turn it ON.\nTurn OFF if you prefer to use only\nthe main song level controls.\nIt needs BS1770GAIN.",
[32]="When applying BS1770GAIN loudness\nmetadata while playing songs, song levels\nwill be adjusted to target this loudness,\nmeasured in cB (centibels) relative to full scale.\n",
[33]="To apply .tja SONGVOL properties when playing\nsongs, turn it ON. Turn OFF if you prefer to\nuse only the main song level controls.",
[34]=$"The level adjustment for sound effects.\nYou can specify from {CSound.MinimumGroupLevel} to {CSound.MaximumGroupLevel}%.",
[35]=$"The level adjustment for voices.\nYou can specify from {CSound.MinimumGroupLevel} to {CSound.MaximumGroupLevel}%.",
[36]=$"The level adjustment for songs during gameplay.\nYou can specify from {CSound.MinimumGroupLevel} to {CSound.MaximumGroupLevel}%.",
[37]="The amount of sound level change for each press\nof a sound level control key.\nYou can specify from 1 to 20.",
[38]="Blank time before music source to play. (ms)\n",
[39]="AutoSaveResult:\nTurn ON to save your result screen\n image automatically when you get\n hiscore/hiskill.",
[40]="Share Playing .tja file infomation on Discord.",
[41]="To select joystick input method.\n\nON to use buffer input. No lost/lags.\nOFF to use realtime input. It may\n causes lost/lags for input.\n Moreover, input frequency is\n synchronized with FPS.",
[42]="Turn ON to put debug log to\n DTXManiaLog.txt\nTo take it effective, you need to\n re-open DTXMania.",
[43]="Sound output type:\n"+
"You can choose WASAPI, ASIO or\n"+
"WASAPI can use only after Vista.\n"+
"ASIO can use on the\n"+
"\"ASIO-supported\" sound device.\n"+
"You should use WASAPI or ASIO\n"+
"to decrease the sound lag.\n"+
"Note: Exit CONFIGURATION to make\n"+
" the setting take effect.",
[44]="Sound buffer size for WASAPI:\n"+
"You can set from 0 to 99999ms.\n"+
"Set 0 to use a default sysytem\n"+
"buffer size.\n"+
"Smaller value makes smaller lag,\n"+
"but it may cause sound troubles.\n"+
"Note: Exit CONFIGURATION to make\n"+
" the setting take effect.",
[45]="ASIO device:\n"+
"You can choose the sound device\n"+
"used with ASIO.\n"+
"Note: Exit CONFIGURATION to make\n"+
" the setting take effect.",
[46]="Use OS Timer or not:\n"+
"If this settings is ON, DTXMania uses\n"+
"OS Standard timer. It brings smooth\n"+
"scroll, but may cause some sound lag.\n"+
"(so AdjustWaves is also avilable)\n"+
"If OFF, DTXMania uses its original\n"+
"timer and the effect is vice versa.\n"+
"This settings is avilable only when\n"+
"you uses WASAPI/ASIO.\n",
[47]="Show Character Images.\n",
[48]="Show Dancer Images.\n",
[49]="Show Mob Images.\n",
[50]="Show Runner Images.\n",
[51]="Show Footer Image.\n",
[52]="Use pre-textures render.\n",
[53]="Show PuchiChara Images.\n",
"Change skin.",
[55]="Settings for the system key/pad inputs.",
[56]="AUTO PLAY",
[57]="To play P1 Taiko\n"+
" automatically.",
[58]="AUTO PLAY 2P",
[59]="To play P2 Taiko\n"+
" automatically.",
[60]="AUTO Roll",
[61]="If OFF the drumrolls\n"+
"aren't played by auto.",
[63]="To change the scroll speed for the\n"+
"drums lanes.\n"+
"You can set it from x0.1 to x200.0.\n"+
"(ScrollSpeed=x0.5 means half speed)",
[65]="Risky mode:\n"+
"Set over 1, in case you'd like to specify\n"+
" the number of Poor/Miss times to be\n"+
" FAILED.\n"+
"Set 0 to disable Risky mode.",
[67]="Notes come randomly.\n\n Part: swapping lanes randomly for each\n measures.\n Super: swapping chip randomly\n Hyper: swapping randomly\n (number of lanes also changes)",
[69]="DORON:Hidden for NoteImage.\n"+
"STEALTH:Hidden for NoteImage and SeNotes",
[71]="Hide the song informations.\n",
[73]="Allow only GOODs, making OKs becoming\n"+
[75]="It becomes MISS to hit pad without\n"+
" chip.",
[77]="Initial number to show the combo\n"+
" for the drums.\n"+
"You can specify from 1 to 99999.",
[79]="To adjust the input timing.\n"+
"You can set from -99 to 99ms.\n"+
"To decrease input lag, set minus value.",
[81]="Difficulty selected by default\n",
[83]="Score calculation method\n"+
"TYPE-A: Old allotment\n"+
"TYPE-B: Old case allotment\n"+
"TYPE-C: New allotment\n",
[84]="Turn on fixed score mode.",
[86]="Display the referenced value for branches.\n"+
"Not effective with auto.",
[88]="Branch animation type\n"+
"TYPE-A: Taiko 7-14\n"+
"TYPE-B: Taiko 15+\n"+
" \n",
[90]="Game mode:\n"+
"(Not avaliable for 2P mode)\n"+
"TYPE-A: 完走!叩ききりまショー!\n"+
"TYPE-B: 完走!叩ききりまショー!(激辛)\n"+
" \n",
[92]="Require to hit both side for big notes.",
[94]="Show the JudgeCount\n"+
"(SinglePlay Only)",
[95]="KEY CONFIG",
[96]="Settings for the drums key/pad inputs.",
[98]="Capture key assign:\nTo assign key for screen capture.\n (You can use keyboard only. You can't\nuse pads to capture screenshot.",
[10000]="Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for LeftRed\n button.",
[10002]="Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for RightRed\n button.",
[10004]="Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for LeftBlue\n button.",
[10006]="Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for RightBlue\n button.",
[10008]="Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for RightCymbal\n button.",
[10010]="Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for RightRed2P\n button.",
[10012]="Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for LeftBlue2P\n button.",
[10014]="Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for RightBlue2P\n button.",