mirror of synced 2025-02-17 19:09:25 +01:00

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using FDK;
namespace TJAPlayer3
internal class CLang_en : ILang
string ILang.GetString(int idx)
if (!dictionnary.ContainsKey(idx))
return "[!] Index not found in dictionary";
return dictionnary[idx];
private static readonly Dictionary<int, string> dictionnary = new Dictionary<int, string>
[0] = "Change the displayed language\ningame and within the menus.",
[1] = "System language",
[2] = "<< Return to Menu",
[3] = "Return to left menu.",
[4] = "Reload song data",
[5] = "Retrieve and update the song list.",
[6] = "Player count",
[7] = "Change the ingame player countF\nSetting it to 2 makes able to play\nregular charts at 2 players by splitting \nthe screen in half.",
[8] = "Risky",
[9] = "Risky mode:\nSet it over 1, in case you'd like to specify\n the number of Poor/Miss times to be\n FAILED.\nSet 0 to disable Risky mode.",
[10] = "Song speed",
[11] = "It changes the song speed.\n" +
"For example, you can play in half\n" +
" speed by setting PlaySpeed = 0.500\n" +
" for your practice.\n" +
"\n" +
"Note: It also changes the songs' pitch.\n" +
"In case TimeStretch=ON, some audio\n" +
"lag occurs if slower than x0.900.",
[16] = "Layout type",
[17] = "You can change the layout of the songs \ndisplayed on the song select screen.\n" +
"0 : Regular (Up to down diagonal)\n" +
"1 : Vertical\n" +
"2 : Down to up diagonal\n" +
"3 : Half-circle facing right\n" +
"4 : Half-circle facing left",
[18] = "How to change the playing speed:\n" +
"Turn ON to use time stretch\n" +
"to change the play speed." +
"\n" +
"If you set TimeStretch=ON, it usese\n" +
"more CPU power. And some sound\n" +
"lag occurs slower than x0.900.",
[19] = "Fullscreen mode or window mode.",
[20] = "Turn OFF if you don't want to encount\n GAME OVER.",
[21] = "Turn ON to use child BOX (subfolders)\n at RANDOM SELECT.",
[22] = "Turn ON to wait VSync (Vertical\n Synchronizing signal) at every\n drawings. (so FPS becomes 60)\nIf you have enough CPU/GPU power,\n the scroll would become smooth.",
[23] = "To use AVI playback or not.",
[24] = "To draw BGA (back ground animations)\n or not.",
[25] = "Delay time(ms) to start playing preview\n sound in SELECT MUSIC screen.\nYou can specify from 0ms to 10000ms.",
[26] = "Delay time(ms) to show preview image\n in SELECT MUSIC screen.\nYou can specify from 0ms to 10000ms.",
[27] = "To show song informations on playing\n BGA area. (FPS, BPM, total time etc)\nYou can ON/OFF the indications\n by pushing [Del] while playing drums",
[28] = "The degree for transparing playing\n screen and wallpaper.\n\n0=completely transparent,\n255=no transparency",
[29] = "Turn OFF if you don't want to play\n BGM.",
[30] = "To save high-scores/skills, turn it ON.\nTurn OFF in case your song data are\n in read-only media (CD-ROM etc).\nNote that the score files also contain\n 'BGM Adjust' parameter. So if you\n want to keep adjusting parameter,\n you need to set SaveScore=ON.",
[31] = "To apply BS1770GAIN loudness\nmetadata when playing songs, turn it ON.\nTurn OFF if you prefer to use only\nthe main song level controls.\nIt needs BS1770GAIN.",
[32] = "When applying BS1770GAIN loudness\nmetadata while playing songs, song levels\nwill be adjusted to target this loudness,\nmeasured in cB (centibels) relative to full scale.\n",
[33] = "To apply .tja SONGVOL properties when playing\nsongs, turn it ON. Turn OFF if you prefer to\nuse only the main song level controls.",
[34] = $"The level adjustment for sound effects.\nYou can specify from {CSound.MinimumGroupLevel} to {CSound.MaximumGroupLevel}%.",
[35] = $"The level adjustment for voices.\nYou can specify from {CSound.MinimumGroupLevel} to {CSound.MaximumGroupLevel}%.",
[36] = $"The level adjustment for songs during gameplay.\nYou can specify from {CSound.MinimumGroupLevel} to {CSound.MaximumGroupLevel}%.",
[37] = "The amount of sound level change for each press\nof a sound level control key.\nYou can specify from 1 to 20.",
[38] = "Blank time before music source to play. (ms)\n",
[39] = "AutoSaveResult:\nTurn ON to save your result screen\n image automatically when you get\n hiscore/hiskill.",
[40] = "Share Playing .tja file infomation on Discord.",
[41] = "To select joystick input method.\n\nON to use buffer input. No lost/lags.\nOFF to use realtime input. It may\n causes lost/lags for input.\n Moreover, input frequency is\n synchronized with FPS.",
[42] = "Turn ON to put debug log to\n DTXManiaLog.txt\nTo take it effective, you need to\n re-open DTXMania.",
[43] = "Sound output type:\n" +
"You can choose WASAPI, ASIO or\n" +
"DShow(DirectShow).\n" +
"WASAPI can use only after Vista.\n" +
"ASIO can use on the\n" +
"\"ASIO-supported\" sound device.\n" +
"You should use WASAPI or ASIO\n" +
"to decrease the sound lag.\n" +
"\n" +
"Note: Exit CONFIGURATION to make\n" +
" the setting take effect.",
[44] = "Sound buffer size for WASAPI:\n" +
"You can set from 0 to 99999ms.\n" +
"Set 0 to use a default sysytem\n" +
"buffer size.\n" +
"Smaller value makes smaller lag,\n" +
"but it may cause sound troubles.\n" +
"\n" +
"Note: Exit CONFIGURATION to make\n" +
" the setting take effect.",
[45] = "ASIO device:\n" +
"You can choose the sound device\n" +
"used with ASIO.\n" +
"\n" +
"Note: Exit CONFIGURATION to make\n" +
" the setting take effect.",
[46] = "Use OS Timer or not:\n" +
"If this settings is ON, DTXMania uses\n" +
"OS Standard timer. It brings smooth\n" +
"scroll, but may cause some sound lag.\n" +
"(so AdjustWaves is also avilable)\n" +
"\n" +
"If OFF, DTXMania uses its original\n" +
"timer and the effect is vice versa.\n" +
"\n" +
"This settings is avilable only when\n" +
"you uses WASAPI/ASIO.\n",
[47] = "Show Character Images.\n",
[48] = "Show Dancer Images.\n",
[49] = "Show Mob Images.\n",
[50] = "Show Runner Images.\n",
[51] = "Show Footer Image.\n",
[52] = "Use pre-textures render.\n",
[53] = "Show PuchiChara Images.\n",
[54] = "Skin:\n" +
"Change skin.",
[55] = "Settings for the system key/pad inputs.",
[56] = "AUTO PLAY",
[57] = "To play P1 Taiko\n" +
" automatically.",
[58] = "AUTO PLAY 2P",
[59] = "To play P2 Taiko\n" +
" automatically.",
[60] = "AUTO Roll",
[61] = "If OFF the drumrolls\n" +
"aren't played by auto.",
[62] = "ScrollSpeed",
[63] = "To change the scroll speed for the\n" +
"drums lanes.\n" +
"You can set it from x0.1 to x200.0.\n" +
"(ScrollSpeed=x0.5 means half speed)",
[64] = "Risky",
[65] = "Risky mode:\n" +
"Set over 1, in case you'd like to specify\n" +
" the number of Poor/Miss times to be\n" +
" FAILED.\n" +
"Set 0 to disable Risky mode.",
[66] = "Random",
[67] = "Notes come randomly.\n\n Part: swapping lanes randomly for each\n measures.\n Super: swapping chip randomly\n Hyper: swapping randomly\n (number of lanes also changes)",
[68] = "Stealth",
[69] = "DORON:Hidden for NoteImage.\n" +
"STEALTH:Hidden for NoteImage and SeNotes",
[70] = "NoInfo",
[71] = "Hide the song informations.\n",
[72] = "JUST",
[73] = "Allow only GOODs, making OKs becoming\n" +
[74] = "Tight",
[75] = "It becomes MISS to hit pad without\n" +
" chip.",
[76] = "D-MinCombo",
[77] = "Initial number to show the combo\n" +
" for the drums.\n" +
"You can specify from 1 to 99999.",
[78] = "InputAdjust",
[79] = "To adjust the input timing.\n" +
"You can set from -99 to 99ms.\n" +
"To decrease input lag, set minus value.",
[80] = "DefaultCourse",
[81] = "Difficulty selected by default\n",
[82] = "ScoreMode",
[83] = "Score calculation method\n" +
"TYPE-A: Old allotment\n" +
"TYPE-B: Old case allotment\n" +
"TYPE-C: New allotment\n",
[84] = "Turn on fixed score mode.",
[85] = "BranchGuide",
[86] = "Display the referenced value for branches.\n" +
"Not effective with auto.",
[87] = "BranchAnime",
[88] = "Branch animation type\n" +
"TYPE-A: Taiko 7-14\n" +
"TYPE-B: Taiko 15+\n" +
" \n",
[89] = "GameMode",
[90] = "Game mode:\n" +
"(Not avaliable for 2P mode)\n" +
"TYPE-A: 完走!叩ききりまショー!\n" +
"TYPE-B: 完走!叩ききりまショー!(激辛)\n" +
" \n",
[91] = "BigNotesJudge",
[92] = "Require to hit both side for big notes.",
[93] = "JudgeCountDisp",
[94] = "Show the JudgeCount\n" +
"(SinglePlay Only)",
[95] = "KEY CONFIG",
[96] = "Settings for the drums key/pad inputs.",
[97] = "Capture",
[98] = "Capture key assign:\nTo assign key for screen capture.\n (You can use keyboard only. You can't\nuse pads to capture screenshot.",
[99] = "LeftRed",
[10000] = "Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for LeftRed\n button.",
[10001] = "RightRed",
[10002] = "Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for RightRed\n button.",
[10003] = "LeftBlue",
[10004] = "Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for LeftBlue\n button.",
[10005] = "RightBlue",
[10006] = "Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for RightBlue\n button.",
[10007] = "LeftRed2P",
[10008] = "Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for RightCymbal\n button.",
[10009] = "RightRed2P",
[10010] = "Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for RightRed2P\n button.",
[10011] = "LeftBlue2P",
[10012] = "Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for LeftBlue2P\n button.",
[10013] = "RightBlue2P",
[10014] = "Drums key assign:\nTo assign key/pads for RightBlue2P\n button.",
[10018] = "TimeStretch",
[10019] = "Fullscreen",
[10020] = "StageFailed",
[10021] = "RandSubBox",
[10022] = "VSyncWait",
[10023] = "AVI",
[10024] = "BGA",
[10025] = "PreSoundWait",
[10026] = "PreImageWait",
[10027] = "Debug Info",
[10028] = "BG Alpha",
[10029] = "BGM Sound",
[10030] = "SaveScore",
[10031] = "Apply Loudness Metadata",
[10032] = "Target Loudness",
[10033] = "Apply SONGVOL",
[10034] = "Sound Effect Level",
[10035] = "Voice Level",
[10036] = "Song Playback Level",
[10037] = "Keyboard Level Increment",
[10038] = "MusicPreTimeMs",
[10039] = "Autosaveresult",
[10040] = "SendDiscordPlayingInformation",
[10041] = "BufferedInput",
[10042] = "TraceLog",
[10043] = "SoundType",
[10044] = "WASAPIBufSize",
[10045] = "ASIO device",
[10046] = "UseOSTimer",
[10047] = "ShowChara",
[10048] = "ShowDancer",
[10049] = "ShowMob",
[10050] = "ShowRunner",
[10051] = "ShowFooter",
[10052] = "FastRender",
[10053] = "ShowPuchiChara",
[10054] = "Skin (Full)",
[10055] = "System Keys",
[10084] = "ShinuchiMode",
2021-11-03 03:37:01 +01:00
[100] = "Taiko Mode",
[101] = "Dan-i Dojo",
[102] = "Taiko Towers",
[103] = "Shop",
[104] = "Taiko Adventure",
[105] = "My Room",
2021-11-03 03:37:01 +01:00
[106] = "Settings",
[107] = "Exit",
[150] = "Play your favorite\nsongs at your own pace !",
[151] = "Play multiple charts in continuation\nfollowing challenging exams\nin order to get a PASS rank !",
[152] = "Play long charts within a limited\ncount of lives and reach\nthe top of the tower !",
[153] = "Buy new songs, petit-chara or characters\nusing the medals you earned in game !",
[154] = "Surpass various obstacles and\nunlock new content and horizons !",
2021-11-03 03:37:01 +01:00
[155] = "Change your nameplate info\n or your character visuals !",
[156] = "Change your game style\n or general settings !",
[157] = "Quit the game.\nSee you next time !",
[200] = "Return",
[201] = "Recently played songs",
[202] = "Play recently played songs !",
[1000] = "Reached floor",
[1001] = "F",
[1002] = "P",
[1003] = "Score",
2021-11-12 09:55:57 +01:00
[1010] = "Soul gauge",
[1011] = "Perfect count",
[1012] = "Good count",
[1013] = "Bad count",
[1014] = "Score",
[1015] = "Rolls count",
[1016] = "Hit count",
[1017] = "Combo",
[1018] = "Accuracy",
[1030] = "Return",
[1031] = "Petit-Chara",
[1032] = "Character",
[1033] = "Dan Title",
[1034] = "Nameplate Title",